A Book for Breakfast

In this event series, we juxtapose different books on current social debates by concisely presenting their arguments in the form of an essay. Together, we develop new ideas and engage in discussions – in good company and with coffee and croissants.

Book for Breakfast: Migration and Flight

In early January, our research fellow Birgit Bahtić-Kunrath will write an essay on the following three books

We invite you to join us for a comfortable breakfast with coffee and croissants, where we can all engage in a conversation on the topic of migration and flight.
Reading the essay in advance is not a requirement, however, it will be useful for participating the subsequent discussion. We hope to be able to schedule an in-person meeting for the upcoming “A Book for Breakfast”-event in the end of February 2022. We will inform you in due time about any changes that might be necessary because of the pandemic situation.

If you would like to participate in the event, please register by sending an email to (office@ifz-salzburg.at) or calling us at 0662/842521-161. The number of participants is limited.

We are looking forward to an inspiring conversation.


Bahtić-Kunrath Birgit

Research Fellow, Political Science, Human Rights and Democratizationbbahtic@ifz-salzburg.at


Buch zum Frühstück: Über Pflichten, Menschenrechte und Geschlechterrollen

Veranstaltungen 18. Oct, 2021

Am vergangenen Donnerstag, den 14. Oktober 2021, feierten wir den Auftakt unserer neuen Veranstaltungsreihe „Buch zum Frühstück“. Bei Kaffee, Tee und Croissants diskutierten wir in kleiner und gemütlicher Runde zum Thema Gemeinsam durch die Krise: Betrachtungen zur Covid-19-Pandemie. Über die Pflichten von Staat und Individuum“.