The project aims at primary school children with difficulties in maths in the city of Salzburg. The parents act first and foremost as learning partners, who are specifically trained in workshops and receive specially specifically designed learning materials. In exceptional cases, learning buddies are available to support the affected children. The ifz has been invited to evaluate this important project, by measuring its effects on the progress made by participating children with regard to their math skills.
Accompanied learning training to support children with dyscalculia in Salzburg
About the Research
What to do if children in the first and second grades of primary school have difficulties in following math lessons? Parents are not always able to convey supposedly simple content at home in such a way that the child understands it. The “LernKidS”-project by Pro Mente Salzburg trains parents and learning buddies in such a way that learning together with the child is as effective and fun as possible.
In the first phase of the project, the parents concerned will be informed about the project. They take part in workshops and receive learning materials specifically designed for the needs of children and parents to study at home together. Moreover, LernKidS offers regular follow-up tests for participating children and the opportunity for regular online consultations for parents and learning buddies. Morever. A learning platform offers parents and learning buddies additional ongoing support.
Research Methods
- Development of an online questionnaire for participating parents and learning buddies, to grasp effects of “LernKidS” on children’s progress in math
- Regular follow-up tests for children on their progress with math
- Semi-structured interviews with the parents/learning buddies at the beginning and end of each project phase
- Preparation of an interim and final report
- Proof of project effects on the progress in math of participating children
- Identification of possible learnings for future projects