Social Pathways Guide

In the summer of 2019, the first “Sozialroutenplan” (Social Pathways Guide) was published, providing basic information about counselling services and assistance programs in the City of Salzburg. Its aim is to function as a reference for people in difficult situations to quickly find help for their problems and needs.

Social Pathways Guide for the City of Salzburg (First Edition 2019)

In the summer of 2019, the first edition of a Social Pathways Guide was published for the first time, providing information for the City of Salzburg. It resembles a city map that serves as a guide for people facing financial and social emergencies. The Social Pathways Guide provides basic information on legal questions, on entitlements that may support people facing difficult situations, and on places that offer help without bureaucratic thresholds. The booklet thematically lists numerous counseling service centers and social institutions, providing contact addresses and phone numbers as well as information on the best ways to reach the respective institutions.

The booklet is free of charge. It is available at official and independent institutions that offer support and guidance, and you can order a copy from us by sending an email to ( It is also available as a PDF-file.
The Social Pathways Guide is published by the ifz, the Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research ((CEPR)) ), as well as unicum:mensch and the Salzburg-branch of the Chamber for Workers and Employees. The two latter organizations also support the project financially, along, together with other sponsors.


Bahtić-Kunrath Birgit

Research Fellow, Political Science, Human Rights and


Die Digitalisierung des Sozialroutenplans schreitet voran

Projekte 23. Sep, 2021

Bei der Digitalisierung des aktuellen Sozialroutenplans geht es unter anderem darum, herauszufinden, worin mögliche Hürden, Hindernisse und auch Chancen bei der Nutzung eines digitalen Sozialroutenplans bestehen. Hierfür ist es besonders wichtig, mit Menschen, die sich in Notsituationen befinden und Hilfe bedürfen, zusammenzuarbeiten.

Das soziale Netz: der Sozialroutenplan für Salzburg (Apropos)

Pressespiegel 6. Aug, 2019

In der aktuellen Ausgabe der Salzburger Straßenzeitung Apropos (erhältlich seit Freitag, dem 2. August), spricht ifz-Präsident Helmut P. Gaisbauer über die Entstehung des Sozialroutenplans für Salzburg. Im Interview mit Autorin Christine Gnahn erläutert er auch noch einmal, warum diese Broschüre für Menschen in Not so wichtig ist. Lesen Sie hier den kompletten Artikel.