Survey: Risk Assessment
Child and youth welfare services can provide rapid assistance to families in problematic situations with the help of risk assessments. Over the past five years, the number of risk assessments in Salzburg has increased significantly, which poses considerable challenges to the authorities. The study comprises an analysis of the causes, dynamics and results of risk reports and investigations, with the objective to improve cooperation between the actors involved.
Survey: Risk Assessment
About the Research
Endangerment assessments are an instrument of child and youth welfare in accordance with the Salzburg Child and Youth Welfare Act (KJHG), in order to provide rapid assistance to children and young people in problematic family contexts. The competences therefore lie with the district administrative authorities. In the years between 2019 and 2023, the number of risk assessments in the province of Salzburg increased significantly. This development poses considerable challenges for the responsible authorities. As part of the planned study, the causes, dynamics and results of risk reports and clarifications will be analysed in detail. The aim is to develop practical recommendations for action for the authorities, improve cooperation between the actors involved and thus optimise the situation of the children and families concerned in the long term.
Research Methods
We combine various scientific methods in order to answer questions and practical challenges in connection with the developments described above in a solution-oriented manner. The study aims to analyse developments in the area of endangerment reports and clarifications, examine cooperation with reporters and the children and parents concerned and identify possible potential for improvement. We pay particular attention to possible regional differences in the province of Salzburg.
- Quantitative analysis of authority data on risk reports and clarifications (2019-2023)
- Standardised online survey of child and youth welfare facilities in the province of Salzburg
- 10 interviews with experts from the child and youth welfare sector
- 10 interviews with affected young people and parents
- Research report including executive summary with all key results at a glance